Interflour Malaysia

News & Events

Advocation Program Cake and Pau Baking Demo

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Kg. Telibong, Tamparuli – Persatuan Alumni maktab Sabah 77 (SCOLA 77) with Jabatan Hal Ehwal Wanita Negeri Sabah (JHEWA) has organized an Advocation Program cake and Pau baking demo which located at Surau Darul Fikri, Kg. Telibong Tamparuli. Sabah Flour & Feed Mills Sdn. Bhd. has been invited to do the baking demo cake and pau for the attendees. It is estimated 30 pax were shown up that day and all attendees were given a pack of Horse brand wheat flour included the cake and Pau recipe for them to try baking at home. 

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